Wednesday 29 August 2012

Flash Gordon

Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun FLASH aaaahhaaa!

Flash Gordon.  Well I grew up with it, having the same last name it was inevitable really, so there is much love for this film.  If you don't like cheese it would be wise to never see Flash Gordon.

Based on old 30's comics and TV serials this is very much a product of the late 70s.  Ridiculously colourful and set designs straight out of a boy's imagination it is an event for the eyes, which is good because the acting by the leads aren't great.  Sam J. Jones as Flash Gordon was clearly only cast for his hair.  No other reason, but he will always be Flash Gordon because he was never in anything else, he is an American football player who saves the world... he needed good hair.  Melody Anderson as Dale Arden very forgettable if it wasn't for the bogus lines like "Flash I love you, but we only have 14 hours to save the earth."  So bad its good (see craptacular).  The women in the film are just eye candy but not even that great at that.  The 'real' acting comes from Brian Blessed, playing himself once again, asVultan.  Oh Brian your so over the top it fits in with this flick.  There is a nice wee cameo from Richard O'Brien that makes me smile remembering how funny he was in the Crystal Maze.  Topol (not a rapper) as Dr. Hans Zarkov is the same sort of thing as the others, ridiculous and OTT.  But then in steps a mustachioed Timothy Dalton, this can only mean one thing... the acting big guns are out.  And yes its true Timothy Dalton rocks as Barin, rocks as in he plays the crazy of the film down just by being in it.   So that only leaves Ming played by Max von Sydow, an icon. He is quality.

So Queen scored the film and it is epic.  It is as mental as the rest of the film but of course has the classic song attached to it.  I do love the guitar solo wedding march.

Not much else to say other than it is by no means a serious film but it is a lot of fun and has a lot of nostalgia attached to it.

3 Jets Quarter backs outta 5

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